New Front Door ?

Big Door / Small Door ? Now that I have built a nice extension I now need to get the front right. I have put in new windows but still have the cruddy single glazed front door. What to do, fiberglass, Grp, Wood or something different ? Things I want, well im an engineer so something big, must have gears, be technical, precise and include a house number. I have no experience with wood (other than a bit of pattern making) so decided to bring in an expert for the cutting and shaping, other than that im in the driving seat. The existing door opening has a side window so if I give that the boot, that gives me the big. Gears on a door probably not, but I can be creative with a leaded window and draw them on. Precise requires a ruler ? lets add one on those. Number, Easy. Over to the CAD machine and this is what I popped out I found a professional woodworking shop as if it looks crap then everyone will know. Im told a good wood for a door is Sapele, tell me its titanium and i ...