Now that I have built a nice extension I now need to get the front right. I have put in new windows but still have the cruddy single glazed front door.
What to do, fiberglass, Grp, Wood or something different ?
Things I want, well im an engineer so something big, must have gears, be technical, precise and include a house number. I have no experience with wood (other than a bit of pattern making) so decided to bring in an expert for the cutting and shaping, other than that im in the driving seat.
The existing door opening has a side window so if I give that the boot, that gives me the big. Gears on a door probably not, but I can be creative with a leaded window and draw them on. Precise requires a ruler ? lets add one on those. Number, Easy.
Over to the CAD machine and this is what I popped out
I found a professional woodworking shop as if it looks crap then everyone will know. Im told a good wood for a door is Sapele, tell me its titanium and i understand but Sapele, well ok.
A little bit of negotiation and were are off..
After a few weeks i was invited down to have a look. Well it certainly looks impressive, 50mm thick will be enough to take a triple glassed glass in the main panels. Why tripple Ahh.. we will get to that.
Top glass will be double glased @ 24mm thick
I also wanted that railway look, so the in the corners we had some infills for both sides. This means no fiddly cutting of the gals.
The misses had some input over at the accessories shop. Its like shoe shopping !
Do we go super big ? No even im not that loud.
The Glass is my bit. Gears, Rack, Pinions, Slab Cutter, Ruler oh man im in heaven. I drew all this in Illustrator and printed out the sections on A4, Tapped them together and placed the a 3mm sheet of standard glass over the top (who has asked about the toughened aspect ??). Triple glassing, Outer sheets will be toughened glass :)
I used 7mm Lead roll with a sticking back, follow the printed curves, bit of cutting and kneading into place produced a close match.
Time for another visit to the woodwork shop. Nice, its coming together !
Offered up the test piece, Nice strait in.

I wanted to add some colour, but not the stained type. Ever noticed the two tone look on glassware, the grey matt finishes.
Hay i can do that. I have a tiny compressor, with a quick visit to my tool shop i come back with a sand blasting kit and a bucket of kiln dried sand. I don't have a real sandblaster and cabinet, but a bucket and sheet will do.
Cover up the bits you do not want to be mat (i used electrical tape) and Go..
Now thats what i wanted !!
Final checks and add the Number of the house, remember which side your on !!
Check the corners line up with the Wooden Corners
And We are ready to pop in to the glazer, They added the seals and outer glass, 8mm gap both sides ending up with a width of 27mm
Back at the wood shop the panels have been added and letter box.
Ready for fitting and hanging of the door, 4 Hinges as its prey Heavy
Nice even the postman comments on it !!
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